...happened almost two months ago, during the Lunar Festival, but I HAD to post about it.
Imagine three players in the same guild: an orc hunter, a blood elf death knight, and a tauren death knight. The orc has Aspect of the Pack up, an ability which grants all members of a party an extra 30% running speed. Both death knights have Unholy Presence active which grants them an extra 15% percent running speed, and they stack. All together it grants the whole party an extra 60% increase in movement speed.
Now both Death Knights (only one needed to do it) casts Path of Frost, which gives all part members the ability to run on water whether they are mounted or not.
In this case, all three are mounted on the Orc Hunter's brand new Taveler's Tundra Mammoth, a three person epic ground mount. So now, on top of the 100% increased movement rate, you have an extra 60% speed on top of that and the ability to run on water. Needless to say, we did not have to take the boat to Darnassus during the Lunar Festival! Plunging through an enemy city to get special coins from elders for an achievement? Hella fun!
This was one of the most epic days I had in WoW for a long time. We owe it to Zooka and his mammoth.
Dude, if you're reading this by chance, get your fucking ass back to Voodoo Reborn where you belong, you bastard! >_<
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