I swear that Northrend's foundations are built upon betrayal. Drakuru, the incident at the Wrath Gate, and now this.
I am such a fool. I should have seen through the illusions, the lies, and I would have known that the wench, Lok'lira, was really Loken in disguise. All of his plans and my own involvement, as it seems, was to draw Thorim out of hiding and allow him to be delivered into the hands of Loken and his dark master. All I could do was watch as that power reached out and took the Stormlord away, and all the while I heard that laughter. It was the same that haunted my dreams, a dread fear that whispered that I would turn against my allies. An ancient...evil power...
They are gone now as I write this, fled back to Ulduar and, for now, beyond my reach. My questions tear through my heart and mind. First, we must deal with Loken, and I have no doubts that the Sons of Hodir will agree. That will undoubtadly be the next step. Beyond that I have to wonder what the fate is of Thorim and Veranus, now in the clutches of this evil, Loken's master, Yogg'Saron.
All I can think about is what we have ahead of us.
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