There comes a time in every being's life when he make his first steps into a much larger world. Such times are always felt in the early years of childhood, for man and orc alike, when he must walk away from the home that was his whole world and take his first steps in a larger one.
An orc who has lived as long as I have, who has seen and experienced such things, I believed that I have seen all there is to see in this world and I would not be making any new steps into any new worlds.
I was wrong.
I know that now as I look up at the icy mountains of the Storm Peaks, and I can tell that this place is unlike any other that I have ventured in through my long years. Whatever might be waiting for me in these mountains, I know two things. I know that whatever is causing me to have these dreams, visions of me fighting my own comrades, as well as the several whispers I have heard since coming to Northrend, I will find it somewhere here. Also, I believe I will find my destiny here, whatever that should be.
I notice that there is something peculiar about these mountains though as I brave their snowy heights. Twice in my ventures I have seen signs of such giant machinery that it could only be true that these mountains as a whole were not made by nature's hands, but were built by something else entirely. What power could build such wonders? The legends of the titans are not unknown to me, but to think that the ancient enemy of the Old Gods could have constructed such things as this is too much for one orc to grasp.
I have little time to dwell on it, for there is much work to be done. I have recently met a Vrykul hag who has offered me her assistance, and I am obliged to give mine as well. I intend to end my contract with her as quickly as possible, because I do not enjoy wearing the guise of a half-giant woman.

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