Ok, moving on. I'm interested on what our pretty little mage is going to do next now that the Alliance and Horde are back at each others throats even worse than before now. I know that King Douche is going to be trying to take the battle to the Horde lands if the war keeps going after the Lich King has been dealt with (assuming he can be when those who are suppose to stop him are fighting each other), and he'll foolishly try to invade Kalimdor, Duratar, etc.
My question is, what will Jaina do in that respect? I can think of only one thing that she would do in that regard. The same thing she did when she sided with Thrall against her own father, and refuse to help fight the Horde. If that would happen, then I imagine that King Douche will certainly be the douche that he is and kick Theramoore Isle from the Alliance.
My prediction for the future includes an ocean expansion. It would be stupid for Blizzard to not tap those regions in between the continents as new territories, less that big Maelstrom is just going to sit there as a not-so-pretty picture in the center of the map, staring at us mockingly. When those oceans become available, let's look at the facts:
Eastern Kingdoms Open Ports:
Stomrwind Harbor: Alliance Controlled
Menethil Harbor: Alliance Controlled
Booty Bay: Neutral
Sunwell Isle: Netural (maybe this won't be included?)
Kalimdor Open Ports:
Theramoore Isle: Alliance Controlled (currently)
Ratchet: Neutral
Sorry if I missed any, but as you can see, the Horde is kind of lacking on actual open ports in either of the two continents. Since the beginning Horde transport has depended on zeppelins to get them to and fro across Azeroth, and if you include zepellins into the lines along with ships, that's two for the Horde. It's still kind of unbalanced though.
What am I getting at? Well, I'm hoping that with an ocean expansion we finally get the option of player ran ships, battle on the high seas, that sort of thing. The problem with that currently is that as a Horde player, I do think that captaining a zeppelin would be pretty awesome, but I want the options of actual ships for the Horde as well, but right now they are lacking in viable ports to call on, so I think that Blizz should make some for Horde only just as Alliance have their own (this means, of course, that Alliance would get their own zep towers, and I think that would suck, but fair is far I guess).
You're probably asking, what the hell does any of that have to do with Jaina Proudmoore?
Simply this. If Jaina refuses to take part in Varian Wrynn's war against the Horde, I can see him getting pissed off at her and kicking Theramore Isle from the Alliance. I then see Theramore becoming neutral territory, now open for Horde characters to enter, ships included, and I think that would be frickin' awesome. I always thought it was kind of a crappy thing to do to make it for only Alliance considering the friendship that was forged between Thrall and Jaina, but I guess that's the way the world turns sometimes. Hopefully soon we'll be seeing some changes happening.
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