I read a very interesting article about the Dragonflights recently in terms of Warcraft Lore, and where things very well might be headed. As of now, we have already seen two of the great aspects become corrupted in their purpose.
Neltharion the Earth Warder, better known to some as Deathwing, was in charge of keeping the earth itself stable and protecting the underparts of the world, mountains, that sort of thing. In his corrupted state we see him making his home in seismically and geographically unstable regions, volcanic areas and the like, and the black flight uses lava as a weapon of battle.
Now we have Malygos the Speal Weaver, charged with safeguarding the magical flows of Azeroth, turning against his purpose and messing up the leylines of magic in the world to his own ends, possibly causing a catastrophe by letting magic destroy the world. This brought about the Nexus War to stop him and the eventual death of the first of the five aspects. What next for the Blue Dragonflight? Only time will tell.
That leaves three of the five dragonflights uncorrupted...or so we think.
As of now, both the bronze and green dragons are fighting in their own private wars. Nozdormu the Timeless, leader of the bronze, is supposedly helping to fight against the Infinite Dragonflight who are trying to upset time by attacking important events in history: Thrall's escape, the opening of the Dark Portal, the Culling of Stratholme, etc. Aside from that Ysera and her flight is fighting the Nightmare that is slowly taking over the Emerald Dream.
But what if these two are the perpetrators behind their own war?
Although it's just speculation, but someone pointed out a very interesting possibility. Chromie sends the player on a quest to the Bronze Dragonshrine which is being besieged by the Infinite Dragonflight, hoping to uncover their leader. The result is the appearance of Nozdormu himself, and although he seems to be fighting the Infinite, it's interesting that he should show up, yes? What if he's the cause of the Infinite Flight?
This is supported by what he said in the War of the Ancients trilogy where he seems to know that Malygos and maybe himself as well will eventually become corrupted and turn against their own duties: "Know that I now ask forgiveness for the wrongs I will cause you in the future, but I must be what I am destined to be... as Malygos is" (p. 712 in the combined books).
If this is true, then that would explain the origin of the Infinite Dragonflight, not as a seperate flight altogether created by some outside force (possibly by the Old Gods), but rather they are corrupted bronze dragons.
Ysera the Dreamer is ruler of the Emerald Dream, which is slowly being taken over by the Nightmare. What is causing this to take place? I have to wonder now. Already we have seen a number of green dragons going mad because of that force and becoming a threat to the world, and thus having to be dealt with accordingly. Soon enough players will be venturing in to the Emerald Dream itself to help deal with this Nightmare force, and what will they find there? Will they find an invading force trying to take over the Emerald Dream, or will the find that the enemy actually comes from within. Do important lore characters such as Malfurion Stormrage or Cenarius already know this? I guess we'll see...
Finally, we have Alexstrasza the Life Binder, who is in charge of safeguarding life itself on Azeroth. She's still very much the good aligned, motherly figure who likes to take the form of a blood elf female in skimpy clothes, doing what she can to help against both Malygos and the Scourge (and, I hope, against Yogg-Sarron the Old God). Now that Malygos is dead, she can turn her attention to both of them, but I have to say I don't like that idea much. What happens if she does become corrupted with the plague of undeath.
Think of it. The guardian of life on Azeroth now getting control of undeath from the Lich King and Yogg-Sarron and thus going on to create a flight of undead dragons, the beginning of yet another corrupted dragonflight. The plauge of undeath from that would be far, far worse than the Scourge I think.
What does this mean for me? Well, considering I'm totally hot for Alexstrasza, I don't think I like that thought very much. I would prefer that she remain the motherly guardian of life with the hot blood elf body, and not become the ultimate undead queen of undeath. That would...kind of suck, to be honest. Yeah, that would make for one hell of a raid fight, but one that would make me sad. So, hopefully, we can kill the Lich King and Yogg-Sarron and all of the other Old Gods before they can further corrupt our favorite dragons.
One can hope anyway.
I had heard the speculation about Nozdormu, and have done that questline with Chromie. Highly suspicious.
ReplyDeleteI don't necessarily think Ysera is corrupted yet, but it's certainly a danger. I know after the Black Temple patch some folks on the forums were suggesting we'd meet an uncorrupted spirit of Illidan in the Emerald Dream, and/or fight a corrupted Malfurion. Now there's a mind-bender for you! Regardless, something is seriously messed up in the Dream, and it'll have to hit the fan eventually. ;)
As for Alexstraza and the Red Flight...I don't see any signs of the Dark Side there YET, and I'd like to think that the Reds would be the last holdout. We need one of the flights to be friendly to help us out if we hope to take on the others. Of course, there's always the Netherdragons...
Oh, draconic politics. I never tire of them. ;)
That would be pretty cool about Illidan, but I wouldn't mind going up against a Nightmare Malfurion as a raid boss. That would be pretty epic, yes?
ReplyDeleteYes, thank goodness that Alexstraza has not yet shown any signs of corruption, but like you said, there is a danger here.
Damn Old Gods are messing everything up! :(