That foul, disgusting troll.
I should have known this is the way things would turn out. I should have smelled this coming from a mile away. I allowed myself to be used though, and for that I am mostly to blaim, thinking I could trust Drakuru. Now things have been made worse, and I am heading into the ancient troll empire of Zul'drak to make things right.

I have little time to write, so I will make this short. We fought our way to the top of Drak'Tharon keep and summoned Drakuru there, as instructed. He opened the portal and the Lich King emerged from it! I had to hold myself in check, remembering the Wrath Gate and the fate of young Saurfang, but to attack now would be folly.
The revelation that Drakuru promised was that it was he who betrayed his people to the Scourge. I could only watch as the Lich King bestowed a new power on the decietful troll, giving him command of the Scourge armies in Zul'drak. I fear I have contributed in making things worse, and now I must do what I can to make things right.
I hope it is not too late.
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