Drakuru is dead.
He was looking to use the blight crystals that he's been harvesting from the grounds below with many of the Drakkiri chiefs he's been capturing. His ultimate plan was to create an army of these blight infused warriors, perpetual juggernauts, to assualt and conquer the rest of Zul'Drak. The death knights were right that we could not let this happen. It was time that Drakuru be confronted.
I will not say I regretted the encounter. I used the very rod of dominion that Drakuru gave me, reworked by the magics of the Ebon Blade, to turn his new creations against him. Drakuru was understandably enraged, believing that he had an ally in me and thus feeling betrayed. I suppose it's poetic justice from the way he used me, and he put up a tremendous fight right up to the very end.

When the Lich King arrived again and disposed of him. I am still alive only because the wretch was amused by my betrayal of Drakuru? The very thought makes me physically ill.
All that left of Drakuru was his skull and an imprint of his final wish: just to escape and be away from this place.
That seems to be the wish of all the Scourge, deep down. Slaves they may be, and as much as they might gain power, it does not change that fact. Strip away that power, and underneath you will see a slave who desires freedom.
I can't help but wonder if you strip away the layers of the Lich King, will we find the same notion? Is he also a slave to his own power?
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