I have always thought that the World of Warcraft was basically a representation of our world in a sense, and the things that go on in WoW has sort of represented events of real life.
Take, for instance, the constant conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. In retrospect, these are two sides that have the same goals in mind: to live in peace and make the best life possible for themselves and for their children, and that is entirely understandable. We all want the same for ourselves and our children, so we do what we do. However, these two forces often clash and viewpoints conflict, differences can't be resolved, greed often steps in and whispers in someone's ears saying "you don't want to share with the other side", so they try to take things that don't belong to them, the other side tries to defend it, and thus war breaks out. It's a law of the world as a whole.
I view the relationship between the Horde and the Alliance a lot like the way I view the relationship between Democrats and Republicans. These are two factions of people who should not be fighting because they are both pursuing the same thing, and thus should work together to achieve it. The Horde and the Alliance both face the same enemies in the Scourge or the Burning Legion or the rising threat of Old Gods and corrupted dragonflights. Just as Democrats and Republicans, both Americans, face threats of terrorism and a declining economy. If one side were to work with the other side, it would make things better for everyone, yes?
Every once in a while though, a certain someone comes along who has no

interest in playing with the other side, he just has his own agenda in mind or is driven by his own motivations and not those of the country he is trying to protect. In those regards I see Varian Wrynn along the same line as George W. Bush. Bush was driven by the thought of wanting to "kick ass" and Varian is driven by his revenge, both started wars against the wrong people, and though Varian has not screwed Stormwind the same way Bush screwed America, I would not doubt if it comes down to that. He is a man who was traumatized as a child when he saw his father murdered and his home burned during the first war and has suffered much since then, and people like that might be great combat leaders but they seldom make great kings. I really think that this vendetta turned to war against the Horde is going to cost Stormwind a lot when it's all said and done.
The bottom line is that I think that Blizzard introduced Varian Wrynn as an allegory of Bush's presidency. It begins with a tragedy to both the Horde and the Alliance by what happened at the Wrath Gate event (9/11) and both sides are quick to make the perpetrators pay for it. When they do though, Varian Wrynn sees all the human bodies in Undercity and gets pissed. The truth is he's always hated the Horde, and now he has an excuse to move against them, even if they had nothing to do with it (Iraq and 9/11).
A lot of Alliance players have drank that kool-aid however just the same way a lot of Republicans bought into that reasoning and were quick to support a war. The only difference at this point is that Bush did not make war on the Democrats, but with the start of the war the differences between Dems and Reps took a nasty turn for the worse.
This is where we're at now in WoW, two sides fighting each other when they should be fighting a more dangerous enemy, and though I have no doubt that we'll take care of the Lich King, Yogg-Saron, and any other real threats to Azeroth, I think the war between the Alliance and Horde will most undoubtedly get in the way. And even after the Lich King has been defeated, what then? Will the war go on, or will certain people gain some sense? Judging by the nature of WoW, I doubt it.
The whole tragic thing I find about all this is just how enamured some Alliance players have gotten with Varian Wrynn. "Ohhhhh, we have a king who kicks ass now! He's going to lead us to victory! *GASP* SQUEEE!" A lot of Americans did the same thing with Bush because he was a dude who was willing to take the fight to the sands of Arabia and beat terrorists on their own ground, but as things got worse he lost a great deal of support. Some not so bright individuals in the world still think that Bush was the best president ever though, just as I think some Alliance players will think Varian is the best king ever.
You know, I don't hold it against Alliance players for playing Alliance, I started WoW as Alliance myself and still have a few alts abroad. I don't hold it against people if they want to be Conservative Republicans either. I might not agree with their ideals or beliefs, but this is America and they are entitled to those ideals and beliefs. However, if, as a Republican, you are not appalled, embarassed, and ashamed of George Bush, then I think there is something seriously wrong with you. I'm not to that point yet with Alliance players and their attitudes towards Varian Wrynn, but time will tell if we get to that point.
What will our new Alliance Bad Boy have to do to get to that point? Everything that Bush did I guess. Can we expect Varian Wrynn to all of a sudden start ignoring the Lich King the way Bush started to ignore Osama Bin Laden, just to concentrate his efforts on Thrall? Instead of toppling Icecrown Glacier, will he try to burn down Orgrimmar first? Is Varian Wrynn willing to sacrifice the sons and daughters of Stormwind to fight a needless war? Is he willing to destroy his nation's economy to get that war?
God, I hope not, but I would not be surprised. I guess our saving grace is that some of the factions out there who were once part of the Alliance probably will not support King Douche if he makes such an action.
I already mentioned in the last thread that I think Jaina would stop being Alliance only if it came to blows and she was forced to choose sides. Doubtless guys like Tirion Fordring, who has friendships with orcs, will see such things as folly, plus his focuses are on the Lich King.
I'd like to think that people like Velen, Tyrande Whisperwind, and King Magni might have more sense, but who knows... The draenei have bad blood with the orcs for past transgressions, Tyrande is constantly getting upstaged by Staghelm, and Magni Bronzebeard has no love for orcs either, so they might support a war as well, to which they currently are it seems.
What will they do if things start turning bad though? Only time will tell.