Ok, I'm going to refrain from the "welcome to blah blah blah" bit that I had in my last two posts. They were a bit too presumptuous in my opinion. If you're here and reading this then you know you're welcome already. Public blogs are public after all, yes?
Anyway, this is pretty much a simple concept I think any regular player of MMO's can appreciate. How do you balance PvP gameplay with PvE gameplay in games like this. There is no doubt that there are tons of dudes and ladies out there who like nothing more than to pit their skills against human opponents and try to win bragging rights on who is most leet. Some people like to take part in battles between huge armies. Others just like to band together with friends and go up against dungeons filled with AI monsters. It's a pretty diverse group of gamers out there and games like this should normally be diverse. Some MMO's on the market lean more towards PvP, such as Warhammer Online, others are more PvE like Everquest 2 (last I checked anyway). Others try to be in the middle and give equal share of both pies, like World of Warcraft.
I say "try" when I mention WoW, but I should also say "fail rather discretely".
This is one of the main reasons why I turned my back on WoW. Imagine you are playing a certain class and have his talents set so he can perform in a certain role, and you are doing really good in that role. You are having fun doing raids with your guild or heroic instances with your friends, and you don't PvP that much. Life is good for you.
But somewhere else we have the player of another class besides yours. He's really into PvP, he's really into playing the arena, he wants to be thought of as leet. The dude has this notion of him and his team getting to the top %10 of all arena participants. However, for some reason, the dude can only win half his matches, and he is upset about that.
This poor guy is not the first to think too highly of his own abilities and end up not doing all that well in the arena ladders. Neither is he the first to not face the facts that his skills are just average. Remember, he wants to be leet, and he wants people to think he's leet! Psychologically, he just isn't capable to face the fact that he kind of sucks, so he tries to make excuses instead. If he's so leet and awesome at PvP, and yet he's still losing many of his matches, then OBVIOUSLY the system is broken! No way it can be him!
Like I said, he's not the first with these thoughts. Nor is he the last. There are TONS of players who are currently playing WoW PvP who are in this mindset. They flood the forums almost daily with threads saying...
"Warlocks are to OP, NERF THEM NOW OR I QUIT WOW!!"
"ZOMG War is Broken! Fix Now Blizz! U SUXXORS!!!1111lol"
"Blizzard, you guys suck with deathknights! Frost strike can hit every time and they can do it bunches of times in a Row! OMG! NERF NOW!"
Nerf this, nerf that, nerf it all, buff me, buff my class, nerf his, yada yada yada, blah blah blah...
The river of crap and tears never ends!
Well, since these whiners and cheeseheads make up so many of the WoW playerbase, it would be foolish on Blizzard's part to not listen to what they want, and sometimes they get the nerfs that they demand. Now, we come back to the guy who does not PvP and prefers to raid and dungeon crawl with friends. Supposedly, WoW has just as much balance into those who prefer PvE over fighting other players, but suddenly this guy find he can't tank as well as he used to, or his abilities are not damaging as much as the last time he went through. Are they still able to get through the raid and get some loots? Maybe, but not always. Maybe that decrease in armor makes it so he dies to early when he's trying to tank a boss or that decline in DPS makes them take too long to get the boss down. Who knows?
The PvE was working before though! So, what the hell Blizzard? Why the nerf?
It's because Johny Wannabe the PvP Fanatic cried for the nerf bat and he got it.
Folks, it's almost impossible to balance both PvP and PvE at the same time. If one class or job gets nerfed because they're too much on the battlefield, the PvE factor of their jobs is going to take a hit as well. That's just the nature of the beast. That is why I am hoping against hope that SquareEnix sticks predominently to their original MMO roots and keeps the majority of gameplay on Final Fantasy XIV on a PvE basis. Am I outright opposed to any type of Player vs Player game? No, I am not. I might be willing to do a Ballista match here and there, or whatever FFXIV might have included, but it won't be very often.
I'm interested in FFXIV because I'm looking for a better, cleaner gaming environment then what I had in WoW. Part of the dirt that developed there was that there were too many PvP'ers making ridiculous demands and too many of them were getting listened to. It would have been stupid for Blizzard not to at that point. Those impacts had negative concequences for those of us who didn't want to fight in battlegrounds.
So, the bottom line is this. If you are having trouble in whatever FFXIV's PvP system, you can't kill that black mage because he nukes you too hard before he can get to you, I'm going to tell you to learn how to silence him. If SquareEnix is smart, every job should have at least some counter to something like that. That's just basic class balance.
If you demand that SquareEnix nerf the black mage and downgrade his ability to nuke, I'm going to tell you to get bent and go play some other game with rampant PvP.
If SquareEnix actually gives into your demand and nerfs the black mage because you can't kill him otherwise, I'll tell them to get bent and I'll be the one to go play something else.
If that happened then I think FFXIV would officially be WoW 2.0
Have a nice day.