I'm sure some have seen this, but here's some information on Deathwing as told by Christ Metzen at Blizzcon.
That actually explains a great deal of things. After seeing the images of Deathwing on the Cataclysm website and reading how it was his return that pretty much turned the world on its head, I couldn't help but think "He seems a lot more powerful than he used to be." Now I know why. :)
It's kind of the reverse on what we saw with the Lich King thus far. At the end The Frozen Throne we see Arthas' ascension and him becoming the Lich King, and we get the impression that he's going to be the new "be all, end all" villain of Azeroth, the greatest threat to humanity. We're left kind of thinking that when it comes time for him to be seen on WoW, that's going to be the biggest and baddest raid boss that we ever fight. Lo and behold, here we are not far away from the end of Wrath of the Lich King, and the dude is on a fast track to becoming the most overrated villain ever.
What does he do throughout the expansion? At the end of the Death Knight intro quest he gets pwned a bit by Tirion Fordring, and all the subsequent appearances after that in Northrend involves him showing up, threatening the players, sending his followers to their deaths against the players, or getting pwned somemore. Not all that threatening. It could very well change with the opening of Icecrown Citadel. We'll have to wait and see.
However, Arthas is probably miffed about something else right now besides a tourna
Those who know their Warcraft Lore will know that Deathwing started rather small when he was first introduced. He was little more than a normal dragon unit with beafed up stats and a cooler looking portrait. All we knew of him at that time was that he was an evil dragon who had metal plates grafted onto his hide.
Since then more lore was added about him and he became one of the five dragon aspects, lord of the Black Dragon flight, and one of the most notorious villains in Azeroth history. There was probably not a single civilization in the world who didn't know about Deathwing.
Now he's making an even bigger jump from his previous status than before. The shere potential for how badass this guy is now is kind of disturbing and exciting on what we'll be facing.
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