Brooding over the loss of her brother, the aspect of magic, Malygos, to end the Nexus War? Perhaps.
Contemplating the upcoming battle against the Lich King? Could be.
She could even be glancing at Krasus and looking forward to a hot night of red dragon love? You never know. *Bow Chica Bow Wow* ;)
Or, maybe she's thinking forward to the Cataclysm and the return of Deathwing. That's always possible. Nozdormu of the bronze flight is the aspect of time but that doesn't mean that Alexstrasza doesn't have some pretense on things before they happen as well. Kind of like Yoda, only different. Especially when Deathwing is involved. Along with that, maybe she's thinking "WTF Blizzard! How could you leave me out of this!?"
Yes, Alex does have a reason to be a little peeved. I can't think of a single NPC in the entire history of Warcraft who would be more affected by Deathwing's return more than Alexstrasza would be. The two have a loooooong history together, some good mostly all bad. They are the worst of enemies now, Alexstrasza and her red flight now standing in direct opposition to Deathwing and his black flight, life versus destruction. It's epic, people! Not only that, but I believe that Deathwing has always had, and still does, a certain degree of lust for Alexstrasza. He doesn't want to kill her really. His goal is to subjugate the other dragonflights under his will and force the red queen to be one of his consorts. Kind of ick, since they are siblings, but the dude is totally frickin' insane so what can you expect?
Yes, of all the NPC's in WoW, no one should be farther at the frontline to meet Deathwing than Alexstrasza.
Yet, for some reason, she isn't mentioned on Blizzard's "Faces of Cataclysm" page. Let's see, we have Thrall as the very first, followed by Garrosh and then King Douche. After that it's King Greymane. Now, all of these I can understand. They're the leaders of the people who are going to be affected by all this after all. Their roles are going to be super important once the world becomes Deathwing's chew toy.
After that though it's....wut?!?! Queen Azshara!? Where does she play a role in all of this? It was suppose to be her turn in the later expansion! We won't see her fishy face again until after Deathwing has been taken care of, so why list her name now? Stupid, Blizzard! Royally stupid.
And, lo and behold, no Alexstrasza, at least not yet. I find this interesting, that the most important character in the Deathwing homecoming other than Deathwing himself is somehow left out of the picture. It could be that they just haven't thought of what Alex's role is going to be in the story. It is a complicated situation going on here. If I had the choice I would have her leading the neutral faction that is poised against the Twilight Highlands, right against Deathwing's front door. In the fight against Deathwing she should also be involved. She was against Malygos, why not against her greatest rival? In only makes sense.
Blizzard kind of has a bad habit of providing disappointing content as far as lore goes. I still feel bad for the Lich King now and where he stands after being overhyped for ten years. They really messed up with him I think, but that's beside the point. This is about Alexstrasza and her continued feud with Deathwing. Hopefully Blizzard wisens up and gets her involved as well.
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