Why in the nine hells didn't I see THIS coming?
Ridiculous, but to be expected at this point. The earlier news released that multiplayer Starcraft 2 will be restricted to Battle.net only, and will not be supported for Lan play, was a close factor in making me wonder if I will bother getting this game or not. I consider it to be a sign of greed on the part of the developers for this game. Kind of like what EA did with Spore and that "can only install this game from one disk a few times before it becomes useless" issue.
Are you becoming the next Sony Online Entertainment, Blizzard? The next Electronic Arts? You used to care more about your players than you did about your dollars. With what's been going on with WoW over the past number of months and now this, I think it's become kind of apparent to me that that's not the case anymore. I guess we can see the outcome of that whole deal with Activision now, can't we?
Someone mentioned Diablo 3 will probably be pushed back to late 2011 as well. Dudes, don't make me laugh or cry. Okay? 2011 is when we'll see the next expansion for World of Warcraft get released, which will probably be announced sometime very early next year, or at the end of this year. There are some new MMO's coming up in development that are scheduled to get released sometime next year and Blizzard is going to need something to compete with that, so whatever the next expansion is for WoW, THAT will become their next pet project.
Diablo 3? We can expect it sometime in 2013, that is if it doesn't go the same way as StarCraft: Ghost.
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