I reflect back to a time not so long ago, when a group of adventurers loyal to the Horde and to each other, who crawled up from the muck with each other, first set foot in the rank halls of the floating necropolis, Naxxaramus. Upon first inspection we saw that it was a real fixer upper if we had any notion of moving in, and people agreed with me on this for certain! There were spiders running rampant, walking abominations and things most unpleasant were romping across the floors and making much noise, but not nearly as much as the rambunctious crowd of Death Knights who seriously had no concept of manners! And to top all of that off was the horrid smell caused by entire hallways overgrowing with fungus and slime and all kinds of creepy crawly not niceness!
Lately some of us have been keeping an eye on the highly luxurious and world famous condominium site known only as Ulduar...or at least it used to be world famous. Now it's world infamous due to one very slimy and very unpleasent resident who thinks he owns the place. This...Yogg-saron character is famous for making those who try to stay in the condos of Ulduar completely bat-shit mad. Maybe that explains what happened to Jack Nicholson in "The Shining". Whichever, Yogg-saron certainly needs to go, and we're the ones to do it and make a formerly respectable Northrend getaway into a place even a rabbit could frolick freely.
Very recently however a new location for Northrend has been opened, a place that shall forever be known to the citizens of Azeroth: Icecrown Citadel. Now, you would have to be a complete idiot who has not crawled out of the tents of Durotar for the last six years to not know who the Lich King is, or who Arthas Menethil is. The guy takes an A for infamy. Kill his father, burn down his home nation, turn his people into undead, and then head north, become a king, and set up the newest in Northrend luxury resorts.
On maintaining said resort... Well...just look!
Lots of Frost, Blood, and Unholy stuff? Does that sound like a place like anyone would like to live? Seriously, the only people who would find this remotely welcoming are those Knights of the Ebon Blade jokers who already live in places like this. I suppose we really could not have expected much from an asshole like the Lich King?
Will we ever be able reclaim Icecrown Citadel and make it into something that's actually manageable? Who knows? It may be beyond saving or we might have to set it aside for a future project.
Eventually though, Icecrown Citadel, just like the other places before it, will be made into a safe haven for bunnies, and they will roam freely and without fear on The Frozen Throne.
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