What's going to happen to the poor girl's body once the Barrens gets its face lifted I wonder.
Will Mankirk have finally gone out and retrieved it and given it a proper burial after all these years? Or will she fall down into a deep, fiery ravine and have her be burned not-so-alive.
Either way, I see it as a win-win situation for her. The poor woman has had to put up with five years now of her dumbass husband not going out to where her body was, taking it a graveyard, and giving her the proper burial one think she is entitled to, yes? Instead, it's four years of him begging noobs to go out and help him find it for him, and they go out, fondle her corpse to make sure it's her, then go back and let him know where it was.
Just how many times did that happen accross all the game servers combined over the last five years? Probably in the millions I would guess. Imagine a million noobs being sent out to poke your corpse and then go back to tell your husband, and then he never comes out to get you. He just gets another noob! That would piss me off! Right now I'd be willing to bet that Mankrik's wife is wishing that the Lich King had come to visit her to join the Scourge and make her into a Death Knight, so that she would have been able to come back and Scourge Strike him in the junk. Instead she's likely going to have to wait until the Barrens gets torn in half and her body falls into the lava, never to be seen again, much lest to be prodded by noobs. I'm sure she thinks that is a bonus!
And what's more, what's going to happen to Crossroads when the Barrens go up in flames? It is kind of right in the middle of Barrens, so unless the rift kind of does a zig and then a zag at exactly the right time, there will be no more crossroads.
Mankrik's Wife: "Did you hear that, you dirty bastard! I may be going down in flames, but I'm taking you with me! Thank you, Deathwing!" XD
I also kind of think that the other NPC's of Crossroads will be happy to go as well. Never again will they have to put up with Alliance assholes sacking the entire town and then wonder why no one came out to help, and they'll never again have to facepalm whenever they hear Barren's chat! Win! They had to put up with about five years of such silliness and apathy, I think death would be most welcome for the poor souls.
Well, that's just my opinion though. We'll just have to wait and see what fate has in store for Mankrik, his wife, and the people of Crossroads.
I thought about the venerable Mrs. Mankrik almost immediately when I learned the Barrens were getting all Cataclysmified. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt'll be interesting indeed to see what quests remain and which are changed/removed/updated, this one in particular.