But, like I said, this is very late in the game.
I wonder if something else was the actual catalyst here.
Anyway, check out the new guards replacing the abominations. Kor'kron elite are now stationed in UC as well, and they are not exactly happy either. Here we see the text of what they say to most obviously undead characters, possibly Blood Elves too since it was Sylvanus who introduced them to the Horde. I wonder what they say to orcs, trolls, and tauren though?
PS: On the flip side, YES!!!! YES! Finally! They are replacing Varimathras with a new quest giver! I've been thinking that if you had not done the quests he gives by the time you do the Wrathgate event, you were pretty much out of luck. Now we can go back and do them again!
I iz happi orc shammi! :)
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