What about the other battlegrounds of Vanilla WoW though?
Who won Arathi Basin? More importantly, who won Alterac Valley?
That's the one I'm really interested in! I'm a huge fan of the Frostwolf Clan and I think that the Stormpikes can get bent in all the wrong directions. They are the encroachers in that regard. Sure, sure, some Alliance fanboys would accuse the FW as being squaters on lands that never belonged to them, but how the hell would SP be any different? Alterac was destroyed which means that land was up for grabs, and Frostwolves made their home there before the coming of those stupid dwarves.
What's more, FW weren't looking to stripmine the place for the sake of archeology.
Knowing Blizzard and how badly they designed Alterac Valley, I would not doubt that victory went to the Stormpike in that regard and Frostwolves will now be homeless, which would suck yes, but not altogether impossible. Maybe, just maybe though, Blizzard will make up for that foul up with AV's bad design and let the Frost Wolves keep their home. That would be justice after all I think.
We do know that Drek'Thar, current leader of the Frostwolf Clan, accompanies Thrall to Outland when they visit the Mag'har in Nagrand. That's means by lore he was alive at that time, after the battle of Alterac Valley. That doesn't necessarily mean they won the battle though, although victory is obtained by killing the other dude's general, which is Drek'Thar on the Horde side. It leads me to wonder what the current lore status of Vanndar Stormpike is. Hopefully dead, the bastard.
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