*From the writings of Dakore, Shaman of the Horde*
Loken is dead. The treacherous titan fell to the power of brethren of the Horde, our storms too much for his. His dwelling, the Halls of Lightning, was another bastion of Ulduar, which he had taken control of, and many of his greatest servants tried to stop us, but they all fell, and so did he.
I am haunted by his words though upon his death. Yogg-Saron, an Old God, has been controlling him like a puppet, and this ancient beast of old times now seaks to be free of his prison?
Where is this prison, I wonder. As I step out of the Halls of Lightning and look up at the main bastion of Ulduar and its impossibly tall steaples, I wonder what lies within that the Titans have kept hidden.
In time, we shall see.

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