My first port of call in Icecrown is the now besieged Argent Crusade Outpost, the Argent Vanguard. There, for the first time, I met Tirion Fordring, Highlord of the Argent Crusade. He has been a friend to the Horde in the past, heard much of him from Eitrigg, and I know of him to be the few honorable humans to have lived.
Also there was a person known as the Ebon Watcher, and seeing him stand beside Tirion Fordring is like seeing ablolute darkness and complete light standing next to one another. I have seen a few death knights in my time, fought beside them even as many have rejoined the ranks of the Horde, and I can tell that this must be the mast of the Ebon Blade ranks. I hear Fordring call him by the name of Darion.
In that conversation was a debate. The Argent Crusade's advance through Icecrown has been halted at the doorstep by swift, powerful counterstrikes from the Scourge, aided by the nerubian spiders. I overheard this Darion urge the Highlord to set aside his sense of honor and fight the Scourge on their own terms. Ha! Allies they may be, but death knights all the same. I agree with Fordring. We cannot abandon who we are in this battle or any other.
But as I look out on the field of battle, the crusaders who fight and die against the scourge, I begin to have doubts, abut a lot of things.
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