Last night, Voodooo Reborn conquered the last of the four quarters of Naxxaramas by taking down Thadius. I strongly consider the Construct Quarter to be the toughest of the four Naxx wings. I think that is actually Captain Obvious at work, judging by the fact that it has four bosses instead of three, and even the very first one, Patchwork, is a huge gear check for would be raiders. After him it's the same gear, but massive amounts of coordination with raid members to get those bosses down.
As mentioned, Patchwork went down like a bitch. We had the dps to burn him down once and maybe even ask for seconds later. After that, it was time for the big, gooey boy known as Globulous to go down. Now, for me, there is always that one boss that seems to create problems no matter how many times you take him on. In Karazahn, it was always Morose that had me pulling my hair out. In Naxx, it was Glob, and after a couple tries where I was dying and thinking "WTF!?!?", we got him down as well.
Next came Gluth, the giant zombie dog, and the farthest VR has gotten within Construct Quarter thus far. This guy is a pain, because you have to be able to control all those lesser zombie adds as well as worry about Gluth himself. Zombie Chow is what their called, because if they get too close to Gluth, he eats them and gets health back, and then its game over. Last night, not a single zombie was made into a milk bone, and Gluth got put down hard. Great job guys!
And last, finally, came Thadius, who most of us were facing for the very first time. There is a lot to learn for this fight. His two guardians, Feugen and Stalagg, constantly watch over the central, giant refugee from a Frankenstein type B horror movie. Not only did they have to get taken down, but they had to die within a few seconds of each other. They themselves took a couple tries, but if anything we in Voodoo Reborn are stubborn assholes, so they fell like a man hammer and then it was Thadius's turn.
Polarity. Positive and negative. Thadius gives them new meaning along with the word "positioning", and here I am very thankful of my DeadlyBossMods addon to help with that stuff. A positive standing next to a negative is bad, but two positives standing next to each other equals more ass kicking. After a couple tries on getting that down, we prevailed. We dropped Thadius like it's hot and there was much rejoicing afterwards.
You know, I honestly did not expect us to take down Thadius last night. Really, I didn't, but like I said we're stubborn. We learn from our mistakes, and though it make us two or three tries, or maybe even ten tries, we eventually win. When we do, we're going to poke you in the eye with sticks, tea-bag you, and spent many moments laughing mockingly at you. We're just like that. ;)
Tonight we go back and finish things off! Though we have taken it down before (well, they have since I wasn't there when it happened), Military Quarter and the Four Horsemen are waiting for us. Once we take them down, all that's left is Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad. I'm not expecting we'll get to take them down tomorrow night, but if we could at least open that door for the first time, poke our heads in and say "Hi, how are ya?!" then I will be most gracious.
We've done a huge step of progress last night all, so even if we do take on Sapph and get thoroughly spanked, we still have a lot to be proud of. It's only a matter of time before those two get kicked in the jimmies, Voodoo Reborn style.
Last night's Raid:
Caemon - DPS Pallie and raidleader
Talelith - Mage
Bhuj - Hunter
Valeste - Heal Pallie
Saulice - Warrior, main tank
Pujaerna - Death knight, off tank
Shalinala - Death knight, dps
Vishnar - Shaman dps
Nakaeri - Priestly heals
Dakore - me, Shaman heals
Congrats to all! You should be proud! :)
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