All that was left were two very powerful enemies, waiting for us at the frozen heart of the necropolis. And met that challenge we did.
The great frost wyrm, Sapphiron, proved a great challenge for us. His icy might was great indeed, and he sent us back to the graveyards and laughed in our faces on more than one occasion, which was expected since this was the first time we have ever faced him as a guild. But his joy was soon cut short and we brought the great wyrm down in a clattering heap. Voodoo Reborn, on its first time every facing against Sapphiron, emerged victorious.
Sadly, it was not meant to be against Kel'Thuzad, and after a few tries it was he who had the last laugh. But for our first time against him we did awesomely by getting him down to a third of his health. That's fantastic, boys and girls, especially since most of us have never seen either Sapph or Kel'Thuzad before last night. It really does prove that Voodoo Reborn, even though we are not a hard core raiding guild, is filled with people who are every bit as awesome as anyone you would find in those other guilds. It makes me proud that I'm a part of VR.
Kel'Thuzad might have lived and sent us packing last night, but he's scared. I mean, he's literally freaking the f*** out right now, because he knows we're coming back for him, and when we do it will mark the end of Kel'Thuzad.
Lok'tar Ogar, Voodoo Reborn!
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