Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pure Win :)

I discovered this while listening to The Instance.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


That same old question now returns. You think you made a decision, but then you listen to a kick ass heavy medal song and it gets you thinking, maybe this other choice would be more bad ass.

Goblin Mage vs. Goblin Lock.

Which would be more badass?

Nelf Mage, Holy Cow

There's an awful lot of debate and anxiety over this issue, mostly made up by a bunch of QQ'ers who think they know more about the lore than Blizzard does. I doubt this will set the record straight, but I'll make an attempt anyway.

Night Elf Mage. Make sense? Yes.
Night elves were perhaps among the first and greatest mages before the War of Ancients; Azshara and her High Borne were probably the greatest ever. They had the Well of Eternity, and even though it's gone it still has an impact on the world ten thousand years later. Night elves got the ball rolling as far as mages go. After the War of Ancients the druids decided to ban arcane magic use, which they were pretty adament about. They exiled the rogue highborne who would later become High Elves, they stuck Illidan under a tree for 10K years. All of that though was an effort to keep the Burning Legion from entering the world again.

Well that threat has kind of been dealt with, at least for the time being. The Burning Legion came close to invading the world again, but they got beat back, and now they're licking their wounds. During Cataclysm, other threats are going to be presented to Azeroth: Deathwing, Azshara, the return of certain Elemental Lords like Ragnaros, and, of course, the remaining Old Gods. None of which really give a shit if you use arcane magic or not.

In comes the few remaining high borne elves who've been living in Dire Maul all these years, who still use arcane magic, offering to help. Malfurion is not stupid and knows that any edge can help with the current threats, so he sees the inclusion of mages back into Night Elf society as a logical decision.

There you go! Lore for Night Elf mages!

As for Tauren Paladin, yes I do agree that there is no history to support them embracing the light but there's nothing saying that they can't be paladins either. Personally I believe that the tauren are the most benevolant race on Azeroth, even more so than the draenei, who have a smudge of judgementalism about them. Because of that, Holy Cows do make sense as far as I'm concerned.

I hope that helps.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Shrink the Bucket List

Recently removed today, Explore all of the World of Warcraft.

Which got me a nice new title.

Also removed from the list today...

Another title! Hurray!

And finallly...

Three new titles today.
Dakore the Explorer
Dakore the Seeker
Dakore the Loremaster


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chills and Thrills

Courtesy of Nihilum!

Thanks guys for sharing this! :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Riddle Me This

Riddle me this, fan monkies! I know there are quite a few of you out there who would just love to see Jaina Proudmoore out of the way so you can have more PvP war to giggle about and thumb your noses at lore geeks like me. So answer me this question.

Why would Blizzard go through the extra effort of making a brand new model for Jaina if they were just going to bump her off in a 5-man dungeon? That seems like a big waste of effort, does it not?

Not too shabby, if I must say so. Her coloring and textures looks more vibrant, the only thing I don't like is the somewhat snooty look on her face. The old Jaina's expression looked more kind hearted and not so much like she was a snobish Hollywood actress.

But ah well. I'll take this as a sign that they will not be killing her in Icecrown. True, that hasn't been set in stone yet, and this doesn't necessarily gaurentee that she won't be killed, but it does some far more unlikely now.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Undercity Martial Law?!?!

I was wondering when this would come about. I would have thought to have seen it earlier than this, but I suppose better late than never. To think that Thrall would have trusted Sylvanus' story about betrayal and believe that her hands were clean of what happened at the Wrathgate would be foolish, and Thrall is no fool.

But, like I said, this is very late in the game.

I wonder if something else was the actual catalyst here.



Anyway, check out the new guards replacing the abominations. Kor'kron elite are now stationed in UC as well, and they are not exactly happy either. Here we see the text of what they say to most obviously undead characters, possibly Blood Elves too since it was Sylvanus who introduced them to the Horde. I wonder what they say to orcs, trolls, and tauren though?

PS: On the flip side, YES!!!! YES! Finally! They are replacing Varimathras with a new quest giver! I've been thinking that if you had not done the quests he gives by the time you do the Wrathgate event, you were pretty much out of luck. Now we can go back and do them again!

I iz happi orc shammi! :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

More Jaina Thoughts

Or at least just this one small item.

In a previous post I said that even if Jaina dies I would continue on with the WoW story to see what happens in the end, just like I would continue to read a book if something happened in it that I didn't like.

However, when it comes to instances it's a different story. If Frozen Halls, the 5-man instance of Icecrown Citadel features the death of Jaina Proudmoore at the end of it then you can likely count me out. Sorry, but I'm not about to commit myself to seeing one of my favorite lore characters dying over and over again just in the name of getting new fat lootz. Blizzard and anyone else who has a problem with that can literally go fuck themselves for all I care.

Of course, this means that I won't be seeing the actual Icecrown raid any time soon if that happens, but I can live with that. I'll spend the rest of my WoW time, what I contribute anyway, doing dailys and getting gold to properly gear my goblin mage.

Personally though, I think I'm not the only one who loves Jaina Proudmoore so I doubt Frozen Halls will go over as popular as it's meant to be if we have to see her getting killed over and over again. Blizzard can't be that foolish...

Can they?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Icecrown Realestate

I reflect back to a time not so long ago, when a group of adventurers loyal to the Horde and to each other, who crawled up from the muck with each other, first set foot in the rank halls of the floating necropolis, Naxxaramus. Upon first inspection we saw that it was a real fixer upper if we had any notion of moving in, and people agreed with me on this for certain! There were spiders running rampant, walking abominations and things most unpleasant were romping across the floors and making much noise, but not nearly as much as the rambunctious crowd of Death Knights who seriously had no concept of manners! And to top all of that off was the horrid smell caused by entire hallways overgrowing with fungus and slime and all kinds of creepy crawly not niceness!

The current landlord and his pet frostwyrm were NOT taking care of business, and the people of Voodoo Reborn decided it was time for a change. We ousted that pesky lich and his stupid dragon without prejudice and made Naxxaramus a place where a rabbit could frolick freely in the throne room of Kel'Thuzad.

Lately some of us have been keeping an eye on the highly luxurious and world famous condominium site known only as Ulduar...or at least it used to be world famous. Now it's world infamous due to one very slimy and very unpleasent resident who thinks he owns the place. This...Yogg-saron character is famous for making those who try to stay in the condos of Ulduar completely bat-shit mad. Maybe that explains what happened to Jack Nicholson in "The Shining". Whichever, Yogg-saron certainly needs to go, and we're the ones to do it and make a formerly respectable Northrend getaway into a place even a rabbit could frolick freely.

Very recently however a new location for Northrend has been opened, a place that shall forever be known to the citizens of Azeroth: Icecrown Citadel. Now, you would have to be a complete idiot who has not crawled out of the tents of Durotar for the last six years to not know who the Lich King is, or who Arthas Menethil is. The guy takes an A for infamy. Kill his father, burn down his home nation, turn his people into undead, and then head north, become a king, and set up the newest in Northrend luxury resorts.

On maintaining said resort... Well...just look!

Lots of Frost, Blood, and Unholy stuff? Does that sound like a place like anyone would like to live? Seriously, the only people who would find this remotely welcoming are those Knights of the Ebon Blade jokers who already live in places like this. I suppose we really could not have expected much from an asshole like the Lich King?

Will we ever be able reclaim Icecrown Citadel and make it into something that's actually manageable? Who knows? It may be beyond saving or we might have to set it aside for a future project.

Eventually though, Icecrown Citadel, just like the other places before it, will be made into a safe haven for bunnies, and they will roam freely and without fear on The Frozen Throne.

Jaina, A Follow Up

As much as I would hate it and be pissed off at Blizzard if they decided to kill off Jaina Proudmoore (I honestly don't think they will, but they do have a record for screwing up so I can't help but hold my breath on it), I work under the philosophy that just because you may not like something that happens along the way you shouldn't stop reading the book until it's done.

I hated it when Eddard Stark met his end in A Game of Thrones and I thought the Red Wedding scene was gross and atrocious, but both were critical points to the whole story. Imagine what we sould have missed in the rest of the series if we stopped reading just because we hated those parts! If Jaina were to die though I can see no other reason than to get her out of the way and let the Horde and Alliance duke it out, at least not yet, and maybe that's not giving Blizzard enough credit. Even if she does go I'm not about to quit WoW, even though I think that they would have shot their own story in the foot.

I'll reserve judgement until the curtain has dropped.

That being said, Patch 3.3 with the Icecrown Citadel raids are starting to look FRICKIN' AWESOME!!! More to come on that, stay tuned.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Fate of Jaina Proudmoore

What is going to happen in Icecrown when Jaina is reunited with what her former lover has become? That seems to be on the tongues of a lot of people lately, especially now that it actually has been confirmed she's going to be the Alliance guiding NPC through the Frozen Halls instances.

Honestly and trully, I'm kind of disturbed but not altogether surprised the number of people who would like to see her die in that instance. Their reasons slightly vary but when you cut down to the core you find that they all just want Jaina out of the way so she can't hold Varian Wrynn's war against the Horde back anymore.

So, in a nutshell, they call her "unrealistic" because she wants peace with the Horde, just like Thrall wants peace with the Alliance. People want her dead because that would help esculate their justification for more PvP in Cataclsym.

Does anyone else besides me find this to be slightly disturbing? Sorry, but if you want someone to die, even fictional characters, because they represent a peaceful stand while you on the other hand want an all out war is a sign of having a sick and evil mind, and I have little respect for you because of it. It's as simple as that.

Yet the speculations continue to roll. One idea I saw is that Jaina and Sylvanus cross paths during the confrentation with the Lich King, Jaina wants to try and save Arthas, Sylvanus wants to kill him, and so Sylvanus kills Jaina to get to Arthas. This would surely escalate the Horde/Alliance war to be sure, but I think it would amount to one of the worst and most tragic wastes of a great character that there has every been. I really would not put it past Blizzard to do this though. They already screwed the pooch by degrading the Lich King from one of the most epic villains of Warcraft lore down to a guy who merely shows up, makes threats, gets pwned by a pally, and then leaves. Bottom line is that I really don't have a lot of faith in Blizzard's story telling capabilities, so I worry about the fate of Jaina Proudmoore.