I guess. What can we expect? As expected from those who have been keeping up on it, we will be seeing the completion of the Argent Coliseum. If you have been doing the Argent Tournament already you've seen the big building being constructed in the Scourge's back yard, the whole thing as a big sign of the Argent Crusade's defiance of Arthas. That's fair, I guess, I mean the Lich King does need to be die, but I have issues with this.
To me, this would almost be like the Alliance coming into Mulgore or Durotar and building an outhouse. It just seems so disrespectful to me, so I can sympathize with the Lich King in this regard. I'll get to my thoughts on that later though.
So, the Argent Coliseum, eh? They say it's going to have 5, 10, and 25 man challenges for players in the Coliseum. Ok, that sounds kind of cool, but what kind of challenges? Is this going to be like a Ring of Blood type of thing with rewards at the end, a daily 5 man challenge and weekly 10 and 25 man challenge with epic loots at the end? I'm thinking so, and that would be frickin' cool! A new way to get gear other than raiding, and possibly fun as well.
Could be interesting.
In other news, a new battle ground Isle of Conquest, will be unveiled. Cool, if you're into PvP, and I'm not really, at least not yet. There are a few things in PvE I need to take care of first before I start getting into battlegrounds and what not, but new battlegrounds are always cool I think.
Arena Season 7 will also be coving. For those of you who give a shit about the Arena, which I don't, this is for you. Have fun.
Finally, druids will be getting a facelift in the artwork for their animal forms. Tauren Druids in bear form, I have to say, look very cool. I love the fact that they have different fur colors for bears now. :)
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