But they will be back. Oh yes, they will be back.
Arthas is proud if nothing else, and the Lich King is not going to take this lying down. For the time being, very little is being done by the Scourge to counter the Argent Crusade and their precious tourney, which has its purpose of being built on the Scourge's back yard as a sign of defiance against the Lich King and his minions. This is Tirion Fordring pulling down his shorts and mooning the entire Scourge.
Honestly, I can't say I appreciate it too much, to be honest. I know that Arthas needs to die very, very, very badly, but this whole thing just seems disrespectful to me. Seeing this from Arthas's perspective, this is a lot like how we would feel if Alliance came into Mulgore or Durator and built an outhouse in the middle of a burial ground. That shit just doesn't fly, dammit! A man's home is a man's home, no matter how evil he is!
But, for the time being, there really isn't much being done to counter it. The only counters the Scourge have put out are some Death Knight Commanders and Lieutenants in the Court of Bones, along with a bunch of skellies and gargoyles. These are signs that the Scourge is totally on the defensive right now, because all these guys are really fodder for players doing dailies, and are constantly being pwned. There's also the frostwyrm with a number of Cultist Bombers riding along, also fodder for a daily quest, and lastly there is the Black Knight, who really is a total bitch.
So what's left? Not much. The Scourge does not seem to be the world threatening powerhouse it used to be, and as much as he might want to, I don't think the Lich King really is in a position to do anything about it right now.
Chronilogically, the tournament started after the quest Tirion's Gambit, where the player, Tirion, and a number of Argent Crusader's go into the Cathedral of Darkness to try and get Arthas' Heart, and end up stabbing it instead. This really fucks up the Lich King, and right now I think he is in Icecrown Citadel, brooding about what happened, and biding his time.
Patch 3.2 is scheduled to unveil the completion of the Argent Tournament and opening the Coliseum for players, and we'll enjoy a few months of that before Patch 3.3 rolls around the corner, or Patch 3.4, or whichever one it is that finally opens Icecrown Citadel.
When that happens, the very worst
And then we'll go from there, storming Icecrown Citadel itself, and taking on the Lich King.
I think we've got fun times in store for us. :)
Oh, I hope you're right. People complain about how Arthas keeps getting his arse handed to him, or just stands around talking but not doing anything, in the many times we encounter him in-game so far. I'd like to see him flex his might a bit more, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteI can't help feeling that he's biding his time, letting us get distracted with our fancy tournament, while he's busy plotting something nasty. At least, I sure hope that's the case.
ROFL at Tirion mooning the Scourge, and the "Argent Let's-get-the-fuck-out-of-here-before-we-get-eaten." XD