Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One Other Card...Bolfang

A very interesting article was presented at WoW Insider some time ago.

Someone had a thought about the fate of both Bolvar Fordragon and Saurfang the Younger.

As most everyone knows right now, these two did not meet with a happy ending during the events of the Wrathgate. Poor Saurfang got his soul sucked out by Frostmourne, and Bolvar died from the Forsaken plague cloud, and both were left there in front of the gate. Now, I had thought that all the greenery created by Alexstrasza had shielded both of their bodies, but that doesn't seem to be the case from some evidence given to us by none other than Yogg-Saron.

One of his memories is of the Lich King torturing an unknown individual. It is widely speculated that this being is an undead Bolvar, who is slowly and systematically being converted into Scourge. Now couple that with the fact that Arthas possesses the soul of Saurfang the Younger and put them together. The very first death knights were created by Gul'Dan during the second war between orcs and humans. He did it by taking the souls of dead orc warlocks and stuffing them into the bodies of slain Stormwind knights, creating guys like Teron Gorefiend and the others.

See the connection yet?

I consider the Scourge to be a nation of its own rights, one made up of undead mostly, but still a nation. It has a capitol in Icecrown, it has a king in Arthas, and it has its people. Most nations also have champions as well. Stormwind had Lord Lothar and Bolvar, Lordaeron had Uther the Lightbringer, etc.

I have a feeling that when Arthas opens the gates of Icecrown and pwns the living fuck out of the Argent Crusade (iterated on in my previous post), the Scourge forces are going to be led by their new champion.

Bolfang the Uber-DK, a possible new boss in Icecrown Citadel itself.


Arthas and the Argent Tournament

So, the Argent Tournament and their new Coliseum, being built in the frigid north of Icecrown Glacier. A land once believed to be too cold for anything except the dead, but now it seems that is not the case. The Scourge no longer have total control over it, in fact I think they have severely been pushed back onto their heals, into Icecrown Citadel itself.

But they will be back. Oh yes, they will be back.

Arthas is proud if nothing else, and the Lich King is not going to take this lying down. For the time being, very little is being done by the Scourge to counter the Argent Crusade and their precious tourney, which has its purpose of being built on the Scourge's back yard as a sign of defiance against the Lich King and his minions. This is Tirion Fordring pulling down his shorts and mooning the entire Scourge.

Honestly, I can't say I appreciate it too much, to be honest. I know that Arthas needs to die very, very, very badly, but this whole thing just seems disrespectful to me. Seeing this from Arthas's perspective, this is a lot like how we would feel if Alliance came into Mulgore or Durator and built an outhouse in the middle of a burial ground. That shit just doesn't fly, dammit! A man's home is a man's home, no matter how evil he is!

But, for the time being, there really isn't much being done to counter it. The only counters the Scourge have put out are some Death Knight Commanders and Lieutenants in the Court of Bones, along with a bunch of skellies and gargoyles. These are signs that the Scourge is totally on the defensive right now, because all these guys are really fodder for players doing dailies, and are constantly being pwned. There's also the frostwyrm with a number of Cultist Bombers riding along, also fodder for a daily quest, and lastly there is the Black Knight, who really is a total bitch.

So what's left? Not much. The Scourge does not seem to be the world threatening powerhouse it used to be, and as much as he might want to, I don't think the Lich King really is in a position to do anything about it right now.

Chronilogically, the tournament started after the quest Tirion's Gambit, where the player, Tirion, and a number of Argent Crusader's go into the Cathedral of Darkness to try and get Arthas' Heart, and end up stabbing it instead. This really fucks up the Lich King, and right now I think he is in Icecrown Citadel, brooding about what happened, and biding his time.

Patch 3.2 is scheduled to unveil the completion of the Argent Tournament and opening the Coliseum for players, and we'll enjoy a few months of that before Patch 3.3 rolls around the corner, or Patch 3.4, or whichever one it is that finally opens Icecrown Citadel.

When that happens, the very worst of the Scourge is going to come pouring out with the Lich King most likely leading them. They are going to take Icecrown and possibly most of Northrend back from the Alliance and the Horde, and the Argent Crusade is going to be turned into the Argent Let's-get-the-fuck-out-of-here-before-we-get-eaten. When it's all over, there won't be enough left of the tourney grounds to sustain a campfire for one night. Basically we'll learn why this expansion was named "Wrath of the Lich King" because that's what he's going to be bringing.

And then we'll go from there, storming Icecrown Citadel itself, and taking on the Lich King.

I think we've got fun times in store for us. :)

Patch 3.2 Announced!

Um, Yay?

I guess. What can we expect? As expected from those who have been keeping up on it, we will be seeing the completion of the Argent Coliseum. If you have been doing the Argent Tournament already you've seen the big building being constructed in the Scourge's back yard, the whole thing as a big sign of the Argent Crusade's defiance of Arthas. That's fair, I guess, I mean the Lich King does need to be die, but I have issues with this.

To me, this would almost be like the Alliance coming into Mulgore or Durotar and building an outhouse. It just seems so disrespectful to me, so I can sympathize with the Lich King in this regard. I'll get to my thoughts on that later though.

So, the Argent Coliseum, eh? They say it's going to have 5, 10, and 25 man challenges for players in the Coliseum. Ok, that sounds kind of cool, but what kind of challenges? Is this going to be like a Ring of Blood type of thing with rewards at the end, a daily 5 man challenge and weekly 10 and 25 man challenge with epic loots at the end? I'm thinking so, and that would be frickin' cool! A new way to get gear other than raiding, and possibly fun as well.

Could be interesting.

In other news, a new battle ground Isle of Conquest, will be unveiled. Cool, if you're into PvP, and I'm not really, at least not yet. There are a few things in PvE I need to take care of first before I start getting into battlegrounds and what not, but new battlegrounds are always cool I think.

Arena Season 7 will also be coving. For those of you who give a shit about the Arena, which I don't, this is for you. Have fun.

Finally, druids will be getting a facelift in the artwork for their animal forms. Tauren Druids in bear form, I have to say, look very cool. I love the fact that they have different fur colors for bears now. :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Poor, Brain Damaged Alliance Children

So yesterday I found out from guildies that there's been an Alliance Paladin going around the battlegrounds and specifically targeting members of Voodoo Reborn. The reason?

Because I spit on his corpse in the aftermath of a failed attack on Thrall.

How fucking stupid is that? O_o

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Naxx: New Property of Voodoo Reborn

Watch Voodoo Reborn vs Kel'Thuzad in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

We promised that we would be back to finish the job, and so we did. The dreaded arch-lich has fallen.