Friday, October 2, 2009

Jaina, A Follow Up

As much as I would hate it and be pissed off at Blizzard if they decided to kill off Jaina Proudmoore (I honestly don't think they will, but they do have a record for screwing up so I can't help but hold my breath on it), I work under the philosophy that just because you may not like something that happens along the way you shouldn't stop reading the book until it's done.

I hated it when Eddard Stark met his end in A Game of Thrones and I thought the Red Wedding scene was gross and atrocious, but both were critical points to the whole story. Imagine what we sould have missed in the rest of the series if we stopped reading just because we hated those parts! If Jaina were to die though I can see no other reason than to get her out of the way and let the Horde and Alliance duke it out, at least not yet, and maybe that's not giving Blizzard enough credit. Even if she does go I'm not about to quit WoW, even though I think that they would have shot their own story in the foot.

I'll reserve judgement until the curtain has dropped.

That being said, Patch 3.3 with the Icecrown Citadel raids are starting to look FRICKIN' AWESOME!!! More to come on that, stay tuned.

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