Bitching and moaning is also basic human nature, as it seems. At least that's the way it is for most WoW players.
Today's new patch brought a nerf to Death Knights. Frost Presence had the armor bonus dropped from 80% down to 60%.
And people are throwing a fit. Just go to the Death Knight forums and you'll see what I mean. All day today, threats to quit WoW, accusations of favoritism, etc. Honestly, there were some fucking idiots on the forums were saying "Why nerf hero classes?" because they believe that hero classes meant they should be better than everything. I even heard that someone got booted from a raiding guild because they disagreed with the raid leader who thought such a thing.
Sadly, I have to say that the QQ that was generated from this nerf was worse than the QQ caused by the nerf to ret paladins after the 3.0 cluster. It makes me feel ashamed.
Honestly though, I'm glad. If people can't cope with this armor reduction and feel the need to reroll to another class or quit WoW, I say let them. We need less noob knights in the game anyway.
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