To Call of Thunder
Home of shamans, orcs, wolves, alchemists, Horde players in general, and many other things World of Warcraft.
As you can see, it's still pretty bare bones here with a simple default template setup, but more will be coming soon. Sometime soon will have the backstory of my main WoW character, Dakore the orc shaman. I've neglected getting it flushed out for quite a long time and I would like to get it done.
If you're alliance or a fan of the alliance, be prepared. You will be lashed with an electric whip in this blog on a fairly regular basis. I don't like to rant all the time so for the most part you'll simply be neglected, but if random cruelty to gnomes and talk of killing King Douche, er, I mean Varian Wrynn makes you angry...well, don't say I didn't warn you.
So, curl up next to the fire, listen for the spirits of your ancestors, and be at peace until it is time for war.
Lok'tar Ogar!
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