Wow dude, I am a slacker. I haven't posted here in like...a month! Shame on me! :(
Anyway, yes! Arthas is coming back! And he's pissed! He's going to make people pay for all the disrespect he's been getting over the past months. According to certain rumors, Patch 3.3 is coming out next Tuesday! Hurray!
The long awaited and anticipated raid into Icecrown Citadel is finally becoming available to players of World of Warcraft. I can honestly say I think this might be the biggest WoW patch ever, and not surprising. People have been waiting to take on the Lich King since we all saw the ending of WC3: The Frozen Throne. We all saw Arthas climb that spire, merge with Ner'zhul, and become the Lich King and, since WoW was already announced at the time, people were likely thinking "When are we going to take on this guy in World of Warcraft!"
That fight is finally coming up :) A pity I will likely not see it any time soon, but I'll content myself with Frozen Halls for a while and maybe I'll get lucky with raid pugs later on. At least I hope so...
But anyway, the question is... "Are you ready for Icecrown?"
The answer for me, not quite. At least not in regards with my two mains, Dakore the orc shaman and Dathaniel the tauren deathknight. Almost though.
Just one more set of dailies to get Exalted Champion status with Silvermoon, which will be the last exalted rep and Champion status for the Horde I need to get. He also has the badges needed to buy his T9 shoulders. So he's just about ready.
Not so ready, but I think he will be by Patch Day.
1. He needs six more Triumph Badges to get his T9 shoulders. I already finished the Heroic Daily today too. So, I will need to do the heroic daily every day Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in order to get the badges I need.
2. Also want to get Exalted Champion status on all Horde cities for Dathaniel. All I have left for that is Undercity and Silvermoon, and I'm already a Champion for Undercity. I just need Exalted status with them. Right now I'm going through the starting quests for undead in order to build up my rep and will be done soon. I'll do the same for Silvermoon as well. Plus I have enough writs in order to get any rep I need after, so I'm not worried about that.
3. Dathaniel needs to finish the quests in Icecrown Citadel, including the Mathius Lehner questline and such. Almost done with those as well.
4. Finally and not quite as important as all the others for Dathaniel and Dakore, max out my cooking so I can walk into Frozen Halls with full stacks of fish feasts on both characters. :)
I'm not worried about achieving all these goals. It'll mean a lot of WoW time over the weekend, but that's okay because the last few have been busy and stressful, so I am looking forward to a good WoW weekend.