Thursday, April 2, 2009

That Dwarf Again....

*From the writings of Dakore, Shaman of the Horde*

The Horde has been on his tail for weeks through Northrend, tailing him from the Grizzly Hills and now into the Storm Peaks. That search has been called off, for Brann Bronzebeard of all people has become an ally to the Horde, despite all that has happened.

I must report he has been honorable in our agreement to work together. An explorer to the core and driven only by the pursuit of knowledge, he does not know the same type of greed that plagues the hearts of most Alliance scum that I know. His motivation is to learn and discover new places.

I really would like to introduce him to my friend Xarantaur someday. I believe the Witness and Brann Bronzebeard would get along fine exchannging bits of knowledge and lore.

There is time for that later though. My most recent acquantance with Brann has took me through a place known as the Halls of Stone, one of the wings of the great temple of Ulduar, a Titan made structure in the isolated parts of Storm Peaks. Here we found more of Loken's Henchmen and their attempts to transmute the denizens of stone into beings of iron. With the death of Sjonnir The Ironshaper, who was overseeing this process, we can now hope that the creation of Loken's Iron Army will come to a halt.

One thing remains though, and Brann Bronzebeard has the right idea as well.

Loken must be destroyed.

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